Some days you just wish you had a therapeutic massage so you could get out of bed. Other times you wish you had one so you could back into bed and sleep more. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose! We’re available 12 hours a day, so whether you want to wake up to our hotel massage or get into nap mode, we are there for you. We make it so easy, you almost don’t even have to get out of bed to receive your massage. Because we come to you. So you don’t have to travel or figure out where to go. Just send a text or give a call with when you want one of us and then relax.

Why a Therapeutic Massage?

First, because you can. Second, it’s legal. Third, it feels great. Fourth, it’ll get you ready to party while you’re on your vacation. Fifth, there’s no travel or other hassle. Sounds better and better, right? For sure. But know that a therapeutic massage has many flavors. Of course we do both men and women. Depending on your preferences in pressure and outcome, here are some options. We can do a gentle, relaxing Swedish style. Or deep tissue if you’re really hurting. Thai style is a popular option. Sport massage for trouble areas. Tailor your appointment to you needs and schedule. An hour might be perfect for a tuneup. Two hours may be just what the doctor ordered to fully unwind and relax.

What’s Not Included

outcall hotel therapeutic massage masseuse

We offer an awesome therapeutic massage. Many people have misconceptions about what is actually legal in Las Vegas. We often get questions. For example, is a nude massage legal? Is a happy ending legal? What about a body to body massage? Can I get full service? How about a hotel massage with sex? THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. However, to my knowledge, if you want sex you must go to a legal and regulated brothel. There aren’t any in Clark county. The closest is in Pahrump, about an hour away. Even though there are hundreds of girls and ads for sex.

If you’re looking for sex, there are many sites to choose from. If you want an awesome non sexual massage, text or call us, we are waiting to help you. 702-596-8666